How Men Can Dress Sexy For Halloween

an image of a good looking, well dressed man

When it comes to dressing sexy for Halloween, women have it easy.  All a woman has to do is show some skin and all the men will gawk.  A woman can show up to a party wearing her underwear, and a McDonalds hat, and BAM- sexy drive through girl.  I guess you could call that an adult happy meal.  Unfortunately, for men, it’s not so easy.  If we show up to the party in our underwear, we will most likely be asked to leave.  However, there are some costume ideas that women will notoriously gawk over.  While they may not be universal, this article is an introductory course on how men can dress sexy for Halloween. 

What do women find sexy?

While researching how men can dress sexy for Halloween, we reached out to a myriad of women for their input.  Ages ranged from early twenties, all the way up to mid-fifties.  Some costumes were unanimous- firefighters, certain superheroes, and dapper characters like The Phantom are considered sexy by the widest range of women.  Interestingly, ALL the women we asked told us that confidence is more important than the actual costume.  That is, you could wear the nicest tux in the world, and if you don’t wear it confidently, women won’t find you sexy.  So the real question becomes, how do you project confidence through specific costumes?

The Costumes.

There are several different traits that can be used to project confidence.  For example, if you are a naturally strong individual, you are more likely to come off as confident if you, quite literally, “play to your strength” by dressing as a Viking, construction worker, or warrior.  If you are naturally awkward or funny, dressing like a famous comedian, or classic star like Charlie Chaplin might be a good choice.  Someone who is quiet or shy could easily pull off a costume shrouded in mystery; like the before mentioned Phantom, or by wearing a masquerade mask. 

You need to select a costume that can be worn confidently, and to do that, you want to identify and match your costume to attributes you possess.  You also want it to be something comfortable, and well fitting.  Showing some skin is acceptable, so long as you don’t end up looking like a dollar store stripper.

Now, let’s go over some basic attributes and some costume ideas that fall within those attributes to help you in your decision-making process. In all the categories, you can wear something generic, or you can pick a specific character.  If you do pick a specific character, try to roll play it a little bit.  This will help show that you have confidence by acting in front of a crowd.

Costumes that project strength:


Construction worker



Action hero

The strength category works well if you’re a naturally strong and confident person.  If you dress up as something from the strength category, there are a few things to keep in mind.  First, don’t be a douche.  There’s a big fat line between being confident, and acting like a dick.  The two are not interchangeable.  Second, don’t go as the village people, seriously.  Third, if you are going to pick something from the strength category, firefighters are considered the most sexy.

Women are basically preprogrammed from an early age to find Firefighters sexy as hell.

Costumes that project authority:

Super hero

Police officer


Action hero


Authority based costumes are a good match for people who tend to be a little bit stubborn or set in their ways.  If you are the kind of person who gives a direct scientific answer to an abstract question, the authority category might be for you.  Just like the strength category, try not to come across as a dick.  You can roleplay authority costumes, or even add a bit of humor to them.

Costumes that project humor:


Teddy bear


Blow up


Women love a funny guy.  And if you are naturally funny, or even just awkward, the humor category is for you.  Dressing up like a unicorn and prancing around the party is a sure win.  If you dress up as something original and clever, it’s even better.  Try to think of a way to dress up like a meme, or carry around a cardboard cutout of another character.  I once saw four guys dressed as secret service agents, and they had a cardboard cutout of the president with them.  The ladies loved it.

Costumes that project mystery:





It might sound a bit cliche, but women love a mysterious guy.  If you are more of an introvert, dressing like a famous vampire, or even a furry, can get you a lot of attention. Try to be as detailed as possible.  If you want to really get into the role, have a few pieces that are conversation starters, or memorize an elaborate backstory for your character.  Try talking in riddles.  There are a lot of fun things that can be done to come off as mysterious.  Try not to be creepy though.  

Costumes that project good looks:

Gentleman or noble


Soldier (dress uniform)

No woman can turn down a well-dressed man.  And if you are the kind of guy who looks good dressed up, a dapper costume can be used to compliment your features.  Make sure the costume fits well, and if possible, get it tailored.  If the costume you pick is a specific character, try to memorize some quotes or facts about that character.  This category can be mixed with most others.  I.e., dressing like James Bond or Charlie Chaplin

Women love a well dressed man.

Costumes that project familiarity:


Action hero

Sci-fi or Fantasy costumes

If all the other ideas on this list don’t appeal to you, just looking familiar or easy to identify can get you quite a bit of attention.  This category of costume can be great for starting a conversation with a woman.  Dressing like a character you know women love, for example, Dean or Sam from Supernatural, will likely attract a woman if done correctly.  However, it’s important to note, the women that will fall for this are going to be familiar with the show or movie the character is from.  So make sure it’s something you are also well versed in.


How men can dress sexy for Halloween starts by having a lot of confidence in the costume you pick.  A few other notes: women aren’t ever going to find a zombie or clown costume sexy.  Makeup is allowed, but when shooting for sexy, keep gore to a minimum.  Try to stand out as much as you can by adding some flare to your costume.  Remember, don’t be a douche, and be respectful of women’s personal space.  Even if she’s wearing practically nothing, you still need consent to touch her.  Be safe, and have a happy Halloween.  Please leave us a comment below if a specific costume has ever worked well for you.

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How Men Can Dress Sexy For Halloween