Free Date Ideas

a cartoon couple stand holding hands overlooking a city.

The economy sucks.  We are all feeling the pain of high gas prices, the ridiculous housing market, and the skyrocketing cost of living.  A lot of couples are feeling the strain of a dateless relationship.  Anyone in a relationship knows how important spending quality time together can be.  Not going on dates together can cause other areas of a relationship to die, too.  But with bills piling up and gas tanks empty, what can you do?  To help combat these rough times, I have made a list of a few free date ideas.  I hope this helps you maintain that good quality time every relationship needs.

Play I Spy

It may seem dumb, but simple things like playing I Spy while taking a walk or just sitting outside together can open the door for great conversation.  This is particularly nice if you have been in the relationship for a while and have run out of things to discuss.  Something you see may remind you of a great story or memory you could tell your SO.

Take a class

I don’t mean go out and sign up for a course at the local college- because that’s not free.  What I’m talking about here is a lot simpler.  Go to your grandma’s house and have her teach you how to make her famous lasagna.  Ask your significant others mom to teach you both how to crochet.  Try to pick something neither of you has yet to do, and find someone willing to teach you. 

Teach each other something 

Alternatively, to avoid getting other people involved, you could teach each other how to do things.  For example, you could teach your SO how to cook your favorite meal.  Or, you could pull up YouTube tutorials and follow along.  If the video you pick is a DYI, find one you already have the materials and tools for.  Besides DIY videos, you could learn how to do a specific dance or give a good massage.  The options are endless.

Write a story together 

It doesn’t have to be some 500-page long, elaborate novel.  Just sit down and write a short 5-page story about how you met.  Try to include as many details as you can remember.  You can each write your own and exchange them or write them together.  You could make it a work of fiction.  Write about what you are going to do when you take that trip to Florida in five years.  It can be a lot of fun and a very intimate experience.

Play a game together 

It doesn’t have to be a board game.  Find a free multiplayer game on your phone that you can play together.  This comes in really handy if one of you travels a lot.  We all have smartphones any more.  And just about everyone can find a game they enjoy.  It’s just a matter of finding one you both like.

Double date scavenger hunt

This can be played in a nice, air-conditioned mall.  Make a list of things to find.  Assign point values for each item based on how hard finding it might be.  Then when you see it, take a picture to prove you found it.  Set a time limit, like an hour or so.  After the times expire, meet up with your friends and calculate your points.  If you want, you can set a prize, IE losing couple buys coffee or makes dinner for the group.  Something that’s not going to break the bank.  (Just in case you lose)

Make a reaction video 

Have a friend or family member send you a video neither of you has ever seen before.  Then, sit down on the couch, press record, and react.  You can keep the video for yourselves or post it on the internet.  Maybe you’ll become stars.  But even if you don’t, this can be a fun bonding experience.

Read a book 

If you’ve ever been in a book club, you already know how fun it can be to read a book, then discuss what you think.  This can be used as a conversation piece in a relationship as well.  You can either take turns reading to each other or read the same book, then plan a date to discuss it.  Brew some coffee, make some cookies, then sit and talk about the book you read.  This is one of my favorites of the few free date ideas on the list.  My wife and I started doing this while I was away for work.  It gives us something to talk about besides the weather when I call home.

Do Ad-Libs 

Ad-libs can be short stories, letters, poems, or songs.  Certain words are replaced with “fill in the blank.  The person picking the words should have no idea where the word goes in the ad-lib.  Once it’s filled in, you read back the whole story.  Ad-libs are loads of fun for couples of all ages.  You can make your own or do them right here on Alien Love Co.  They are entirely free, and the results are hilarious.  All the Ad-Libs on Alien Love Co are couples-based, like love letters and poems.

Invent a holiday

Find an event that’s important to you and your SO, and invent a holiday surrounding that event.  Decide on customs, apparel, or anything associated with your new holiday.  Will there be gifts, like Christmas or birthdays?  Or will it be a free candy holiday like Halloween?  Will it be a party with a food holiday like Thanksgiving?  Should people dress up that day?  Remember to make a playlist of songs for this special holiday.  Once you invent your new holiday, plan to celebrate it every year.  Mark it on your calendar.  Pro-tip, holidays can be expensive, so finding a date around tax time can be extremely useful.

Make up the movie

Sure, you could sit at home and watch Netflix.  Again. Or you can do something more engaging.  Instead of sitting and ignoring each other in front of the tv, try this: watch a movie trailer for a movie neither of you have ever seen.  Then fill in the rest of the story.  Make-up characters.  Fill in the dialog.  Go nuts.  It’s easy to find movie trailers on the internet, and if your improv skills are any good, you can come up with some wild stories.

People watching bingo 

Not to sound like a creeper, but people-watching can be a fun way to spend time together.  So, another free date night game available on Alien Love Co is People Watch Bingo.  It’s like regular bingo, but instead of numbers, you’ll look for people dressed a certain way or doing something in a public place.  This can be done just about anywhere.  You can sit on a park bench, go to a mall, or just about anywhere people congregate.  Gas stations, thrift stores, and college campuses are all great places for people to watch bingo.

You probably noticed I left out a few free date night ideas like board games, watching movies, and making dinner.  While those things are all fine, chances are if you found this page, you’ve already done all of those.  I wanted to leave you with a more comprehensive list.  It’s hard to come up with ideas sometimes, especially with the stress of everyday life.  If you have a favorite free date night idea, please share it with the rest of us in the comments below.  We are all in this together.  Thanks.

Alien Love Co

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