Beer Space Men Drink

Beer is good, Beer is good! Beer is good! And stuff! Psychostick said what we were all thinking. Today is International Beer Day, so I brought you something different. Rather than telling you about a bunch of fancy expensive beers you’ll probably never try, I’ve made you a list of beer space men drink! The best part is none of them exist, so you don’t have to take a trip to some remote brewery to get your hands on some.

Aspen Beer

If you are reading this article, you may recognize this one. If you don’t, that’s ok, too. Aspen Beer comes from the “Alien” franchise. Aspen Beer shows up in several of the Alien movies and games. It makes its first appearance in the first 10 minutes of the original Alien. Aspen Beer is portrayed in the same way beer usually is. As a comradery device. Teams relax together over a cold one. In the case of Alien, who cares that its breakfast time?

Synth Ale

Star Trek portrays a utopian future where everybody’s healthy and has everything they need. But doesn’t making beer synthetic and removing its “ill effects” kind of defeat the purpose? Zephran Cokrin said it best, “No way am I going up there sober.” Synth Ale sounds like the most boring beer space men drink.

Romulan Ale

Those in the Star Trek universe who don’t want any of that garbage synth ale could try to score some of this highly intoxicating and illegal beer. Though I’m still determining if Romulan Ale is a beer. Whenever Romulan Ale is shown on screen, it more closely resembles a stiff liquor drink. Being that Romulans are generally tougher than humans, it makes sense that their beer would knock a human on their ass. Romulan Ale shows up all throughout Star Trek, starting with the original series. It also shows up in games like Star Trek Online.

Steel Beam Beer

No beer space men drink has such a directly targeted name. It sounds like a real, industrial, working man’s beer. And in the TV show The Expanse, that is exactly who it’s marketed to. As someone who has spent most of my life working in industrial environments, I see the appeal of Steel Beam Beer.


Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty likes to drink. Whether it’s from his flask or at a bar, he usually has several swigs per episode. Rick doesn’t really have a preference for any specific brand of beer. As long as what he’s drinking will get him “Rickety wreaked.” However, he can be seen in several episodes with a brand of beer called Foamies. In season 5, episode 3, the entire back seat of Ricks spaceship is filled with empty Foamies cans.


Futurama’s had an incredibly successful run. The show was jam packed full of puns, intelligent humor, and wild situations. Many different brands of beer can be seen throughout the show’s 10 (soon to be 11) seasons. But the show’s blast from the past protagonist, Fry, was super excited to see that Lobrau beer still existed in the future. Since Fry was employed as a galactic delivery boy, Lobrau had to be on the list of beer space men drink.

Leopard Lager

My sister and I watched Red Dwarf religiously as kids. And one of the beers featured on the show was Leopard Lager. It can be seen in many episodes being consumed by Lister and Cat. It came in a mostly white can with a circle logo of leopard print. A black and yellow label also says “JMC Standard Issue.” Whenever I see the word “issued,” it makes me a little nervous, as issued items tend to be subpar. Nevertheless, Lister seems to enjoy Leopard Lager. It could be a lack of options.

Elba Beer

When you think of Star Wars, it’s doubtful you think of beer space men drink. However, several different beers can be seen throughout the Star Wars franchise. Elba beer exists in several of the Star Wars games, comics, and books. It shows up as a bottle with the letter E on the side. To be completely honest, I had never heard of Elba Beer until I went on Wookiepedia to help write this article.

Jawa Beer

Made by Jawas out of grains and bantha hide; Jawa Beers’ first appearance was in Star Wars episode two. You could see Jawa Beer in the best massive online multiplayer game ever made, Star Wars Galaxies. This made it a beer space men drink while chillin’ with the homies online. Sadly, Star Wars Galaxies servers were shut down in December of 2011.

Mudders Milk

According to Jane from Firefly, Mudders Milk has “all the protein, vitamins and carbs of your grandma’s best turkey dinner, plus 15 percent alcohol.” Mudders Milk technically is not a beer and sounds a lot closer to an alcoholic protein shake. But the people of Canton consume Mudders Milk in the same way most people consume beer. At the end of a hard day, they like to kick back in their rat infested bar with a few friends and Mudders Milk.

Virgon Brew

Battlestar Galactica had a very interesting take on sci-fi. Battlestar Galactica consisted of one part lost in space, one part apocalypse, and one part murderous robots. One of the ways people in Battlestar Galactica relaxed was by getting drunk. And one of the beers featured in the show was Virgon Brew. Though given the plot of the show, I highly doubt the supply of Virgon Brew lasted very long.

Mokyshan Red Ale

Halo is one of the most well-known video games of all time. Consequently, there are countless books and comics that have sprouted up over the years, which have added details to the franchise. Obviously, beer would eventually make its way into the story. Mokyshan Red Ale appears in the novel Halo: First Strike by Eric Nylund. I haven’t read the book myself, so I can’t tell you any details about this mysterious beer. But if the folks in the Halo universe drink it, it’s probably pretty good.


There are no shortages of fictional beers. Beer has made its way into every type of storytelling. From printed media like books and comics to TV and movies to video games, beer is essential to the human condition. Whether used to build comradery or relax at the end of a hard day, beer will always have a place in our hearts, stomachs, and imaginations. Thanks for reading about the beer space men drink. Comment below which fictional beer you would most want to try.

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