Alternate Sex Toy Lubes

an oil can with text overlay. the test lists vegetable oil, Bably oil, aloe vera, olive oil, and coconut oil.

Running out of lubricant sucks. Luckily, you can easily find solutions on countless websites. (or you could buy in bulk, here.) Typical household oils can be used as personal lubricants.  But how well do they work on strokers? I decided to test some alternate sex toy lubes.  Of course, I tested all of them on Alien Love Co devices, so if your device isn’t from us, actual results may vary. Most households have at least one of these five oils in their pantry. Even if you don’t, every grocery store, Walmart, and even some gas stations carry them.  They are listed best to worst, with vegetable oil coming out on top.  Coconut oil was a close second.

Vegetable Oil

Of all the alternate sex toy lubes I tried for this experiment, vegetable oil worked the best.  I’d even go as far as to say it worked better than most water-based lubes.  It didn’t take much to get a good coating on the inside of the device and didn’t need any second application.  It felt slippery, like a high-quality water-based lube while not being so slick as to be boring.  Using it didn’t have any weird side effects on my skin, or on the device.  Clean-up was a bit of a challenge.  For one, since vegetable oil is so thin, it ran out both ends of the device.  It also took a bit of scrubbing with an emulsifying soap to remove the oil from my device.  Even still, I would recommend vegetable oil as a viable alternative to actual sex toy lube.

two bottles of vegetable oil
Vegetable oil was the best alternative sex toy lube tested.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil made for an absolutely fantastic lube.  A little bit went a long way, and in total I probably only used about half as much coconut oil as I did vegetable oil.  Interestingly, coconut oil seemed to almost have a texture enhancing effect on my device.  Its not quite as slick as water-based lubes or vegetable oil, but slick enough to still be comfortable to use.  It, like vegetable oil, lasted a long time with no second application.  Cleaning up the device and myself was easier with coconut oil than it was with vegetable oil, but I noticed it actually gets slicker when it gets wet.  If you’re going to try this one, I recommend NOT doing it in the shower.  I almost slipped and died which probably would have been pretty damn embarrassing.

Olive Oil

a bottle of olive oil
Olive oil is cheap, available in most supermarkets, and makes an okay personal lubricant.

While not as slippery as most water-based lubricants or alternatives, olive oil actually worked pretty good on my Alien Love Co devices.  Since it wasn’t as slippery, it ended up having a texture enhancing effect, similar to that of coconut oil.  It added a grippyness to the device that is hard for me to describe.  I had to use more olive oil by volume than a standard water-based lube, but that might have just been me trying to compensate for the difference in feeling.  I would highly recommend trying this one out just for the hell of it to anyone who wants to change how their device feels.  It wasn’t as hard to clean up as I thought it would be either.  The regular soap I use with water-based lubes worked perfectly fine without multiple treatments.  A word of caution though, don’t use this one in the shower either. 

Baby Oil

At first, baby oil felt like a pretty good alternative lubricant.  It was about as slippery as olive oil and produced a similar texture enhancing effect.  However, over a few minutes my device started to feel like it hadn’t been lubricated at all.  Adding more baby oil corrected this, but at some point, I did end up getting my penis stuck in the device.  It ended up being quite painful to remove.  I’d imagine going too fast, or for too long with baby oil could possibly damage skin and nobody wants that.  A word of caution if using baby oil, use a lot and apply it often.  Clean-up was also awful with baby oil. A side note about baby oil is that you should not use it with condoms.  Baby oil is known to break down latex, causing condoms to fail.

Aloe Vera

It could have been the Aloe I used, but honestly, I’d rather use spit.  Aloe did not make for a good lubricant.  I could see it being fine if no other options were available, but I had to re-apply it every four or five strokes to keep things moving.  Honestly, I was worried I might rip some skin off my penis if I went to fast.  I think the problem with aloe is how fast skin can absorb it.  I wouldn’t recommend using Aloe unless all other options have been exhausted.  Its only real benefit is how easy it was to clean up.  After a quick rinse of the device there were no signs, it had been lubricated with anything.  Wash it with soap anyway.

To ensure the best accuracy in this post, each alternate sex toy lube was tested multiple times over several weeks and with multiple devices. I would recommend using the top three oils on this list. The bottom two, I would avoid.  If you have any additional information pertaining to alternate sex toy lubes, please share them with us by commenting below.

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Alternate Sex Toy Lubes