Ways to Seduce an Alien

image of a scaly alien female with a human and alien embracing each other in a faded overlay

As men, we know how hard it can be at times to acquire the attention of a love interest.  We find ourselves in uncomfortable situations, as we awkwardly fumble through introductions and small talk.  Even the most outgoing, confident men struggle at times.  But what if that love interest just came from across the galaxy?  What skills would be required to woe that smoking hot alien?  Well, you’re in luck because we put together a quick list of 7 ways to seduce an alien.

1. Know Several Languages

Learning languages can be hard, but experts say that after you learn two or three languages, that learning more gets exponentially easier!  The language centers in the brain become very good at changing accents and inflections the more languages you know.  Being able to communicate effectively is the most important part of any relationship. With that being said, knowing several languages could help you learn an alien language faster. Which could go a long way to seduce an alien. There are dozens of apps and online programs now that can be used to learn other languages.

2. Study Different Cultures

While you’re out there learning 10 different languages, you may as well learn about the customs and cultures that speak them.  This will give you a more well-rounded sense of cultural differences, and make you more open to cultures from other planets.  It will help you better prepare to adapt to an alien culture, and it will make you a more interesting prospect to a potential new comer.  Being culturally aware will help you understand the day-to-day interactions of a species and the types of customs and courtesy’s they practice.  Remember that if aliens come, it will probably be very awkward for them since this is our home.  Having cultural understanding, and being in that mind set can help you get through that awkwardness.  

3. Understand Math and Science

Math is said to be a universal language and would most likely be a pre-requisite to seducing an alien.

Getting across the galaxy is no small feat.  While some aliens would likely just be passengers aboard a visiting vessel, it’s very likely that any civilization that can cross the stars would have a much better education system than we do.  One of the worst things ever is feeling like a dummy on a first date.  This is probably no different with an alien from another world.  Being smart in the ways of math and science would probably look pretty good to an alien prospect.  Even if our maximum understanding is what their grade children practice in school, it would at least be viewed as “cute.”  They will most likely still be much smarter than us, but if you have a pretty good understanding of math and science, you might be able to, at the very least, keep up in a conversation. 

4. Understand Engineering Concepts

This can be a big one, especially if they take you back to their ship for a tour.  Having an understanding of how things are made would help you understand their technology and how impressive their species really is.  Plus, it’s another great point of small talk.  Maybe your alien friend is the ships engineer and wants to show you all the cool stuff that keeps the ship running.  Being able to grasp engineering concepts and constraints would help you keep the conversation flowing.  Plus you could show them our technology and how it works.  Maybe they have an interest in our primitive ways of doing things.

5. Know World History

This is a big one, especially after you have broken the ice.  Undoubtedly an alien would be just as curious about humanity as we would be about them.  Knowing a detailed history of humanity would give you many good talking points for you and your alien friend.  Plus having an interest in history in general would help you know what kinds of questions to ask about them.  you could compare notes on their history vs ours.  How similar we are to an alien race could be better understood by comparing history.

Alien explorers would most likely want to know everything they could about humanity.

6. Be Physically Fit

I’m not saying you have to be a body builder, but at least be fit enough to go to space by our standards.  Aliens would probably know right away who was healthy and who wasn’t.  Besides that, how embarrassing would it be to have a heart attack and die in front of your alien love interest.  That would likely be the worst date ever.  Maintaining a high level of physical fitness helps the body and mind work better.

7. Be Prepared For Rejection

Maybe aliens would be willing to mingle with common earth folk.  Maybe they wouldn’t.  It’s a huge unknown and all we can do is hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Of course, there is always the possibility of humans and aliens being physically incompatible. you can learn more about that in our post about human-alien breeding, here.

Conclusion On Ways to Seduce an Alien

While it is impossible to know what traits an alien species would find endearing in humanity, it’s a pretty good guess that a well-rounded, intelligent person would be more interesting to them than the average joe.  Being able to adapt to new ideas and cultures, understanding our past and being able to communicate effectively would all be paramount to the exchange of knowledge.  Most importantly, being a kind and respectful person would probably get you pretty far with an alien species.  An alien visitor would most likely be more interested in our culture and history than anything else.  So learn everything you can, and someday you might just get the opportunity to seduce an alien. If you have ideas on more ways to seduce an alien, leave us a comment.

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Ways to Seduce an Alien