Why Aren’t Sex Toys For Men More Mainstream

a painted red human hand with fingers curled and thumb up. there are 3 x's painted on the hand.

They say that men only want one thing. And yet society has taught us that its unacceptable for some reason for men to masturbate or use sex toys. It’s fine if your girlfriend has a whole Wells Fargo shipping trunk full of rubber dongs, ranging from normal human sizes all the way up to something that would injure an elephant. So why is that? Why is it seen as normal for women to own sex toys? And if men really only want one thing, why aren’t sex toys for men more mainstream? This article will quickly explore these topics.

Its empowering

I’ve heard from many women that owning a dildo is an empowering thing. “I don’t need a man. I can just handle it myself,” they tell me. Not to bash on cliche, but wouldn’t that mean that women only want one thing? And how does a three foot long vibrating horse cock in your ass empower you to do anything? I get it that sex is a basic need of all humans, and there’s a lot to be said about being able to handle those needs yourself. But why the double standard?

Of course, sixty years ago, when men tried to control women’s sexuality, owning a toy would be empowering. Ps. Attention men, if you are still trying to control women’s sexuality, the 1960s called and said you need to get with the times. PSS. Attention women, if you own a dildo and still think men shouldn’t be allowed to own male masturbators, you also need to get with the times.

Let’s bust this nut

To better understand why sex toys for men aren’t mainstream, we need to first look at the psychology of a man. It isn’t just society dictating that men can’t own masturbators. The men themselves are half the problem. There is a mentality common among men, that basically tells them, if they have to masturbate or use a sex toy for men, then they aren’t adequate.

For some reason, admittance of using male masturbators is like admitting he couldn’t get sex. Working for a sex toy company for men, I’ve seen this manifest many times. When I tell most men what I do, I am immediately countered with, “I wouldn’t need anything like that. I have a girlfriend.” Or wife. Or partner. You get the idea. But the fact that they go on the defensive so quickly tells me there’s something there. Some deep-rooted trigger in the man’s brain that tells him that he struck out if he has to handle things himself.

Women who oppose sex toys for men

Another reason why sex toys for men aren’t more mainstream is because women, particularly ones in a relationship with a man, are strictly opposed to it. There are two main reasons for this.

The first reason is, a lot of women feel that if their significant other is using sex toys, or watching porn, or even just masturbating, that it’s the same as if they are cheating. They feel threatened by the use of male masturbators the same way they would feel threatened by a prostitute. The women in this category generally feel like sex toys for men might be better than they are.

The second reason is similar, though it’s a different mentality and can be seen in women who blow the topic way out of proportion. This is the mentality that sex toys for men will completely replace them. Like their significant other is going to run off with his Fleshlight, get married and start a family. It may seem ridiculous, because it is. And at a very basic level, women in this category generally only bring one thing to the relationship. Sex.

The others

Of course, there are just as many women out there who accept their significant others use of sex toys for men. These women don’t feel threatened by them. They realize the variance between their own sexuality and their partners. They know that not everybody can get what they want sexually all the time, and accept the use of sex toys as an augmentation to their ability to keep their partner happy, sexually. These are the women who ask why sex toys for men aren’t mainstream and even buy new toys for their partner to use.


In conclusion, there aren’t many of reasons why sex toys for men aren’t mainstream. But the reasons that do exist tend to be deep rooted. It’s hard to overcome expectations in society, and I hope that in the future, sex toys for men will be as predominant as dildos are for women. Sex toys for men have been around for a very long time. And while many men own and use toys, they tend to do so while quietly denying that sex is a basic instinct. Furthermore, sexual health has been proven to be deeply tied to mental health. Owning sex toys for men is particularly great if you spend a lot of time away from your partner. Or if your partner doesn’t have the same sexual appetite as you. There’s a growing number of sex toys for men on the market, you can learn more about them, here.

Alien Love Co

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Why Aren’t Sex Toys For Men More Mainstream

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